
What is Mathletics?

Mathletics is a captivating online learning space providing students with all the tools they need to be successful learners, both in the classroom and beyond. Powerful courses aligned to Australian Curriculum maths standards across the primary and secondary years, matched with dynamic tools and reporting for teachers.


Mathletics is a Online Learning platform, dedicated to Maths. Silkwood School funds a yearly subscription for students that are enrolled in the course.

Track Improvment

In Mathmatics teachers are able to monitor students, making sure that they are completing all necessary units, making sure they don't get behind.

Fun & Enjoyful

Mathletics goal is to make learning a fun activity. We do this by rewarding students with credits completing a activity. You can save up credits to customize your avatar.

Play With Others

Since Mathletics is a Online Learning Platform, you will be able to play against peers and other schools. You earn credits

For more info, check out Mathletics's official site

Academic Improvements

Tested, verified and proven. Two major independent research studies found that the results of students using Mathletics are up to 9% higher in external Government testing such as NAPLAN. Schools with longer-term usage of Mathletics (more than 2 years) saw an even greater jump in their results.