Cyber Safety
Staying Safe Online
The online world is a wonderful place filled with great learning resources and at Silkwood we aim to keep it that way by educating students about the dangers of the internet and how they can protect themselves.
CyberHound Internet Filtering
Silkwood has a filtering system that aims to block all the "naughties" on the internet whilst student are at school.
Cyber Safety Course
Every student at Silkwood completes an online course in our Ignite system when they start at school covering a range of topics that includes a range of resources.
Cyber Safety Talks
We run talks for the students from external providers and also informative parent evenings.
Home Cyber Saftey
We offer some ideas of how to keep your kids cyber safe at home here.
Internet Filtering
Silkwood utilizes the CyberHound system to filter the Internet for students that blocks malicious websites, reduces cyberbullying and predatory behaviour.
Cyber Bullying
While students are at school, our system picks up anything students on the network might be saying that is of a bullying context.
Inappropriate Content
While students are at school, our system disallows websites that fall into inappropriate categories.
Malicious Websites
While students are at school, our system disallows websites that may be harmful to the student's computer.
Cross Platform Monitoring
While students are at school, our system monitors all devices connected to the Wifi.